Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I have a fascination... maybe even an obsession with "old-timey" things and ways of doing things. My dream is to learn how to "do everything!" be self-sufficient, live off the land... that kind of thing. I would dearly LOVE to live on the side of a mountain in a log cabin and grow my own vegetables, herbs, medicines... have chickens, maybe a hog and a cow or a goat (although in reality the thought of milking a cow or a goat kinda makes me nervous, I've never done it!)... make or grow most everything I would need to live...

In reality... I live in an apartment... in town... I don't even have a yard... I drive to work listening to satellite radio and talking on the phone using my blue tooth... I spend HOURS on the internet every day... I have cable TV... on a big screen television... I enjoy playing wii... I keep my cell phone with me 24/7

Hey, I enjoy technology and all the luxuries it gives, I admit it! I like comfort... and easy access... and instant gratification...

But I think I could be content without it IF I had to... if I had to!

Knowing my fascination... my precious husband bought me a book yesterday... Country Wisdom and Know-How... Everything You Need to Know to Live Off the Land...

Oh My Gosh! I absolutely LOVE it! Everything from making bread to digging a root cellar! Step by step instructions, detailed drawings... everything you need to "live off the land!"

I began making soap years ago because of my fascination with old-timey ways... I use a lot of home remedies because I love the idea of figuring it out myself and not running to the doctor every time I sneeze. This new gift could open up a new project or two!

For one, I've been hearing about big seed companies like Monsanto, who are trying to take over farms and even water sources... and they are beginning to control our food sources and are well on their way to taking control of water sources as well... they produce hybrid seeds... which are sterile and don't reproduce, so you gotta go back every spring and buy more to plant... you get fatter corn kernels and bigger tomatoes, I guess... but is it worth it for us to lose control of basic survival needs? So now, I'm looking into heirloom seeds... seeds that aren't hybridized, seeds that reproduce... seeds that grow old-timey vegetables and herbs and that "go to seed" in the fall allowing me to save seeds to plant the following spring! I like that idea!

If and when technology fails... I have my book and I'm READY!

But first... I need a yard!

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