Friday, May 28, 2010


I made cupcake soap!!! First ones ever... turned out super cute... learned to make "whipped soap" for the frosting from one of the many forums I am a member of... thank you "Soapmaking Forum."

A website that gives great instruction on whipped soap is fantastic instructions!

To make whipped soap, you start with the lye/water mixture and let it get cold... ice cold... I put mine in an ice bath in the sink and just let it sit till it was very cold. You don't melt the oils with this soap either... start by putting the "hard oils" like palm and coconut in a bowl and using the whisk attachment for the mixer, whip it up till it's light like whipped cream, then add the "liquid oils" such as olive, and essential oil(s) and any other additives you wish at this point (I added some cocoa powder to make mine "chocolatey" and peppermint essential oil)... continue whipping for a bit... then slowly add the lye/water mixture... soon you have a consistency similar to cake frosting and you (wearing gloves!!!!!) scoop the mixture into a cake decorating bag with a star tip attached and pipe a swirl on top of cupcake "cakes" previously made using cupcake paper liners in a muffin tin (these I made using my honey oatmeal cold process soap recipe) and there you have it... adorable cupcake soaps!

The whipped soap takes a little longer to cure... they need a few weeks (4-6) before using them... but they are so cute and look good enough to eat!

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