Thursday, May 6, 2010

I Love My Shower!

I work in a newspaper office, an air-conditioned building, on a computer all day, 5 days a week. I'm the assistant editor. I wear dress pants and sometimes heels to work. I rarely sweat!

Our newspaper is a small, weekly, community paper. We publish about  15,000 newspapers once a week. We have a young married couple who deliver our paper to our 300 or so newsstands around town. They start about 8:30 am on Thursday of each week and finish up by Friday afternoon. They take a vacation two or three times a year, on those weeks, the entire staff at the paper pitches in and delivers the papers. Today was that day!

I paired up with our receptionist this morning and we set out in her car, loaded with about 3,500 papers... our section was 68 drops! She drove and I jumped out, counted out the papers and filled the stands, or boxes, or carried them into businesses and placed them on counters, tables, or desks. A newspaper weighs very little and it's made from paper... how hard could it be?

A bundle of 50 newspapers weighs quite a bit more... and newsprint rubs off on you so your hands, your shirt, your jeans and sometimes your face if you have to scratch your nose... get black... soot black!

By the time we returned to the office late this afternoon, I was black from head to toe, sweaty, smelly and tired!

I walked in the door when I got home, greeted my sweetie-pie and headed straight to the shower!!! Grabbed up my favorite Guinness Stout extra lathering soap and scrubbed head to toe, hair and all with it!!! Ahhh, the luxury of being clean! and my hair is shiny, my skin is soft and smooth!

I love my shower and I love my homemade soap... squeaky clean!

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