Sunday, May 2, 2010

May We Appreciate Great Friends

I have some great friends... many of my family members are also my dear friends... I'm going to be marrying my very best friend in just a couple of months.

In my soapmaking life, I am declaring May to be "Friends Month!" And in doing so I would like to dedicate this writing attempt to three dear friends who have supported me in my soapmaking ventures for many years. And sometime soon, I plan to formulate a soap in honor of each of them...

First, my friend Kitty... who has been there for me through thick and thin, listening to my emotional ups and downs, giving advice, talking till all hours... I've called that wonderful woman and 2 am crying over a man and she listened and never once complained that it was 2 o'clock in the morning! Whatta great friend! Kitty marches to a different drummer, she's a unique, mother-earth sort of lady... lives her life her way and never worries what other people think or say. She's a librarian, an avid reader of books, a little "out there" in her perspective on life and I love her dearly for it! Kitty wears flowing clothes and wears her hair long and straight and parted in the middle, just like she did in her younger days... Kitty is an old hippie, an earth mother, with a sometimes foul mouth and a heart of gold! I think I will formulate a soap with an herbal scent and maybe a little hemp oil in honor of her. She has encouraged me to get my soap out there ever since I started trying to make soap years ago... she has dreams of opening a coffee shop one day and wants my stuff in it... she found some consignment shops and got them to put my soap there along with her "hippie shirts" She's a wonder to know!

Then there's my dear former workmate Pam McNeil... from the time I began giving out soap to anyone who would take it, she's been a believer in my abilities! She has been buying Lavender Oatmeal soap from me for years and is always ready to encourage me in moving forward with my ideas and dreams... Lavender Oatmeal in honor of Pam!

And there's Claire... I have always called Claire my "cosmic friend." Claire lives in an organized community with her daughter and other "housemates." She and I worked together for a while and I learned that I could talk to her and laugh with her and sometimes we would even try dancing (what a laugh!!!) She has also been an encourager in my life. Claire is all about nature and energy and organic and peace and harmony... I'm thinking an unscented pure classic soap in her honor.

In the month of May... May we appreciate all the many and varied friends we have and learn to appreciate them for the things we have in common and for our wonderful differences.

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