Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Citronella Soap... Don't Bug Me!

I first started making soap with citronella essential oil added for my dad who for some reason was more attractive to mosquitoes than average people. He worked outside a lot and was constantly spraying himself with insect repellents. Since he has some lung difficulties I worried that the repellents weren't good for him. He enjoys using natural products whenever he can (although he doesn't hesitate to use a chemical if he thinks it necessary!) so I told him I would try to make a soap with citronella oil and see if it might help the "skeeter" problem.

He swears by the stuff now and sings its praises to anybody who will listen. I usually make him a couple dozen bars every spring and he has come to expect it.

I have since learned through research and reading that citronella essential oil is a natural oil which is distilled from the citronella plant, a member of the geranium family. And it's quite effective in repelling those pesky mosquitoes.

A few years after I began making "bug soap" for my dad, my little niece Cassidy Nell came along and seemed to have the same issue with mosquitoes that Daddy did, so I started making it for her and decided to name it after her.

If you want to keep the bugs away, use citronella soap! Our "Cassie Nell's Don't Bug Me" citronella soap is made from saponified palm oil, coconut oil, olive oil and citronella oil, all gentle and nourishing to the skin. And the scent lingers to repel those "skeeters" long after the wash water is thrown out. Another thing that people do with it is to rub the soap onto their clothing like their socks and sleeves and hats to give extra protection, but be sure to perform a color test against your fabric before applying.

Check it out and our other products at www.southernheartsoaps.com

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