Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Woman's Work is Never Done

OK, ladies, this one speaks to me on an extremely personal level... I've gone through puberty, child-bearing, and am now in the midst of menopause... all difficult times for a woman's body, but I'm here to tell you, this last "woman's transition" is HARD! It's like feeling pre-menstrual pretty much all the time. And there's the added hot flashes (who knew being warm could be so debilitating?) and night sweats, when you wake up with your hair plastered to your head and so hot you can't breathe... then there's that puffy, bloated, swollen feeling... water retention is ridiculously un-fun!

On the other hand, reaching that milestone in life that some people call "becoming a wise woman" (I have my doubts about my wisdom at this juncture, but it could come... it could!), is freeing in many ways, no more monthlies (relief!!!), no more birth control (sweet relief!), I'm feeling a sort of settling down and the freedom to be and do whatever and whoever I want to be, I'm no longer Mama (even though I still am a Mama), no longer daughter (I'm still that too), so while it's scary to move away from all those identities I have relied upon for my own identity, it's freeing at the same time... it's quickly becoming the one of the best times of my life...

But back to the bad stuff...

I think I'm gonna develop a soap (since that's where my talents seem to lie) to help ease us menopausal women (and even benefit pubescent and child-bearing aged women!) into this fascinating phase of our lives...

My research of late has shown me that hot flashes can be helped a bit by using peppermint, spearmint and clary sage... lemon and grapefruit help with bloating and water retention... peppermint and ginger help with fatigue... night sweats can be eased some with grapefruit, lime and clary sage... clary sage eases the hormone imbalances... and lavender soothes and calms fears and irritability...

Research continues but I'm definitely headed in the direction creating a soap and maybe a lotion for the "wise women" among us!

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