Monday, March 22, 2010

Essential oils for healing wounds and reducing scars

Essential oils have a long history of use in natural skin care, well-known for healing damaged skin, as well as reducing the appearance of old scars from trauma and surgical wounds, and other incidents. Essential oil blends for these applications are gentle, safe for regular use, and have a wonderful aroma.

Lavender essential oil is the most commonly used aromatic oil due to it's pleasant, soothing aroma and broad range of healing effects. Lavender is also included in many skin care blends as it contains properties which stimulate tissue regeneration. Lavender is an anti-inflammatory.

Another essential oil is Helichrysum, an oil with an earthy aroma. This oil would be used when the skin is in need of regeneration, and where inflammation may be present. It is also often used for bruising and impact related injuries.

The essential oil distilled from the leaves of common Sage is included in blends where the wounds are old - where the healing happened some time ago and has left some unsightly scarring. This can work on keloid scars, acne scars, etc., though application need be regular and should continue for 3 to 6 months. Sage oil has properties which help break up the scar tissue and stimulate regeneration. Sage oil should be used with great care and in small amounts. While it can be used for stretch marks, it should only be use after pregnancy, and not during by expectant mothers. Sage is best used for wounds and scars that have already healed to reduce appearance.

Rosemary essential oil contains regenerative properties, and stimulates cellular metabolism. This oil helps new skin form, bringing nutrients into the cells and supports the removing toxins and wastes.

For wounds that are currently healing, a small amount of an antimicrobial oil, such as Tea Tree, can help the process. It can prevent redness and irritation that is the result of your body dealing with bacteria at the sight of the injury.

Essential oils need to be diluted in carrier oils. Carrier oils include oils such as sweet almond oil or olive oil.

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