Saturday, March 27, 2010

Logos and Photos and Wedding Invitations... Oh My!

When you think of Dove Soap you think of that little dove pressed into the top of each bar and poised gracefully on each package... I wanted a logo so that one day (I'm dreaming big here!) my Southern Heart Soaps logo would be recognized just by the logo...

Fortunately I work for a newspaper and have access to all sorts of graphic design software and the newspaper business is a "hurry up and wait" sort of job, so I have a fair amount of downtime and can work on little projects in between waiting on our writers and sales people to get their work to me so I can get it into the paper. This week my project has been a LOGO and pictures for the website.

I am also getting married in 3 months and have been busy crafting and printing wedding invitations and travel information packets for my guests... these invitations have multiple components to cut and trim and glue and sort and organize and stuff into envelopes and address and mail. Whew! made me tired just typing that!

But I digress... back to logos... created a logo this week that, to me, is simple, elegant, and hopefully memorable... used the basic logo to create a letterhead, business cards, website moniker, and more. I like it... hope my customers do!

Now I'm on a quest to create a photo or photo collage for the header on the website... something that catches the eye and makes a person browsing around the net want to come in for a closer look... something whimsical and fun... something that says "soap" but more... bubbles, suds, lather, clean, fun, healthy, sweet, happy... I've looked at others' sites... and some I like, some I don't... I want the photo to let people know (in a graphically pleasing sort of way, of course) who we are at Southern Heart Soaps and not just be a boring, static, still-life, bar of soap (even though that's what we are selling!) I want life, action, love, movement, laughter and fun all in ONE picture at the top of a web page... is this possible? and where do I find it?

The quest continues amid wedding invitations and newspaper editing, and housework, and working in my "mad scientist laboratory" creating and mixing soap and lotion. Let the juggling commence!
As they say in the Gaelic... "Slainte"

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, I want to see what all that you've been working on!!

    It's real tough to craft a logo that is so memorable and says everything about your brand. It's even tougher to capture and stop a random person who found your website and have them stay there for a bit! But it can't hurt to try. :)

    Best of luck with everything, Pam! Let me know if I can ever help you with anything! :)
